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      Drying: because of different inside and outside partial pressure of food and water vapor ,make internal moisture transfer to the surrounding air.

      During hot air drying process, effective working temperature range is 60~90℃,vegetables and herbs drying time is very long , sometimes even 15h.  In the process of the constant speed drying, the drying rate is determined by the energy transfer to the speed of food wet surface.Because of the evaporative cooling, the temperature of the product will be lower than the later drying process,once the sruface is dried, from the inside to the surface of the mass transfer rate is not enough to keep the surface of the water permeability.
      In the falling-rate drying stages, diffusion rate determines the drying rate, and decrease with the content of water molecules. Due to the material surface evaporation cooling effect is reduced, resulting in higher surface temperature.
      Under the hot air drying temperature, volatile flavor substances group branch loss, structural changes,for example:Hardening inhibits after-drying process, and the drying time was prolonged, leading to the destruction of vitamins, color and flavor of chemical and enzymatic reaction.
      Microwave drying process, is heating inside and outside at the same time.Due to internal and external temperature raise at the same time,and material surface is directly contact with air,so material internal temperature will be slightly higher than the surface temperature. At the same time, material internal moisture will migrate from inside to outside,throught material surface, evaporate into the air.
      So, adopts microwave drying , drying speed is higher than other drying methods(like hot air dryer,steam dryer etc).
      Microwave in the drying fruits,herbs and vegetables process,can better keep the original shape,colour and lustre,flavor and nutrition,effectively improved products quality.








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